Dear Massapequa School Community,
Join us to have some fun – and be a hero for kids with cancer! https://www.stbaldricks.org/events/massapequa2025
Come be a part of the 25th year of St. Baldrick’s volunteers working to Conquer Kids’ Cancer!
You’ll be giving hope to thousands of kids diagnosed with cancer every day – from babies and toddlers to children, teens and young adults. In fact, you’ll be saving lives!
Our event will speed the search for cures through St. Baldrick’s, the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants.
Sign up to participate or to raise money another way. Can’t join us? Please make a generous donation to give kids the long, healthy lives they deserve.
You can accelerate the next 25 years of cures for kids with cancer!

Dear Massapequa Community,
Please see the linked flyers from Sky Is The Limit Basketball:
The Massapequa School District

Good morning Massapequa Families, Please view the Girls on the Run flyer at link below. Registration starts 3/01/25, the program starts the week of 3/24/25. Sincerely, the Massapequa School District

Dear Parents,
Please click the links below for more information on SEPTA Game Night on March 26th at 7PM.
SEPTA Game Night: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cB_-In3ddAjPEHequWD5u-xGil4xLWTy/view?usp=sharing
SEPTA Game Night Tickets: https://massapequasepta.givebacks.com/store/items/1162196
Thank you,

Good Morning Massapequa Families,
Please see attached information regarding Massapequa Boys Swimming/Diving Booster Clubs Shrimpy's Fundraiser.
The Massapequa School District

Good afternoon Massapequa Families,
The 4th Annual Mighty Massapequa Danceathon for St. Baldrick's will be held on March 14th at Ames Campus-MHS 6pm - 8pm. Please click the link below to donate or create a team today!

Good afternoon Massapequa Families,
Pease click the link below to submit your nominations for the 2025-26 Jr/Sr PTSA Executive Committee by this Friday, February 28, 2025. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/11CgZj6pJjM7mHUh8piFwjHgtzn_C40DPlcUFgRw7q2Q/edit

Good afternoon Massapequa Families,
The Fairfield 5th Grade Committee is hosting an online Raffle Fundraiser, Tickets purchased will go into a raffle every day for the month of March!
Click the link below to see the prize calendar and purchase your raffle tickets by this Friday Feb. 28th! https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/gift-card-raffle-for-fairfields-5th-grade-class-of--2025
Sincerely, The Massapequa School District

Dear School Community,
Do you have our new Massapequa School District app yet? If not, download it today at www.msd.k12.ny.us/connect or find "Massapequa School District" in the App Store.
This will allow you to receive important communications from the district, schools, departments, and community/school organizations - all in one place!
The Massapequa School District

Good Morning Massapequa Families, Please see information regarding the Council of PTA's Massapequa Community Night at UBS Arena, Saturday, March 22, 2025. More information at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ol3AQUzctc_cnrrMNMHR0QeGGFo75PX9/view?usp=sharing. Sincerely, The Massapequa School District.

Good Morning Massapequa Families, Please see information regarding NY DEK Hockey registration starting Mid-April through the end of June 2025. More information at https://nydekhockey.com/#/schedule/ilTXb7mZG1Ffjqgv. Sincerely, The Massapequa School District

Good Morning Massapequa Families,
Please see information regarding Massapequa Softball Booster Club's 2/25 Qdoba Fundraiser .
The Massapequa School District

Dear Massapequa Community,
Please see the linked information, from Girls on the Run, regarding registration.
The Massapequa School District

Dear School Community,
Please see the linked information regarding a Narcan/Drug Use Awareness Presentation on March 14th at 7:00 PM. This important presentation would be given by the Nassau County Department of Human Services - Office of Mental Health, Chemical Dependency & Developmental Disabilities Services.
Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N-mHneCYw9WeIT41i2DhMd3VfKZ4S8ZA/view?usp=drive_link
The Massapequa School District

Please see the link below for the flyer regarding Trivia Night.
Thank you,
The Massapequa School District and SEPTA

Dear Massapequa SEPTA Members,
The Nominating Committee will be meeting soon to select a nominee for each office to be elected for the 2025-26 school year.
We are seeking your input for consideration by the Nominating Committee during its deliberations. However, according to procedures, your suggestions and supporting information are advisory only and do not constitute a vote. You do not need to sign your name; all information will be held confidential.
Of the current officers, Co-Presidents, Recording Secretary and VP of Fundraising, are eligible for re-nomination to serve a second term. The positions of VP of Programing, Membership, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer are up for nomination.
If you or someone you know would like to be considered, please use the Google form below to make recommendations. It must be received by 11:59PM Sunday, March 2nd, 2025.
Click Link Here: https://forms.gle/PYgWgLdqTcQe3WQE7
The Nominating Committee will announce its nominees at the March meeting. The completed google forms will remain unopened and will be opened only in the presence of the entire Nominating Committee at its meeting.
Members of the Nominating Committee are:
Debra O’Fee
Kimberly Gonzalez
Kasey Forst
Nancy Kallmeyer
Cara Klasson
Thank you for your valuable assistance in this important task. Please contact Debra O’Fee at dofee1428@gmail.com with any questions.
The Massapequa School District and SEPTA

Dear School Community,
Please see the linked flyer from the DEK Superstars: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1saQUqVHnZBypUP20hAMYFDSBoKZcBps0/view?usp=drive_link
The Massapequa School District

District Residents who are interested in seeking election to the Board of Education can pickup Candidate Packets from the District Clerk, Anne Marie Bellizzi at the Administration Building, 4925 Merrick Road, Massapequa. One Board seat is up for election with a three year term starting on July 1, 2025. You may contact Mrs. Bellizzi at (516) 308-5001 for further information.
Minimum qualifications are:
Must be at least 18 years of age.
A resident of the District for one year.
A qualified voter of the District.
Must be able to read and write.
The deadline for completed petitions is 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 21, 2025.

Dear School Community,
We are excited to announce that the new Massapequa School District website and app are now live! Please note that it may take up to 24-hours for the website changes to fully propagate across the internet. If you don't have access yet, you will soon!
We invite you to watch this video featuring our students and Superintendent of Schools, Dr. William Brennan: www.youtube.com/massapequaps
Be sure to visit our new website at https://www.msd.k12.ny.us/ and download our new app by searching for "Massapequa School District."
The Massapequa School District

Dear Massapequa Community, Please see the information, from the Massapequa Takes Action Coalition (MTAC), regarding a parent discussion on substance abuse at the Massapequa Public Library: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c0Aa_nm3jiTI-YIg6OesCqEAc2kivCPP/view?usp=drive_link. Sincerely, The Massapequa School District