Business Education Courses Grades 9-12
A Business Education in the Massapequa School District will provide students with the necessary educational experiences to enable them to make better career choices by preparing them for the world of business and/or college studies by having each student demonstrate a mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace and/or advanced college-based studies.
Business Course Objectives:
Need Develop an awareness of the world of work, explore career options, and relate personal skills, aptitudes, and abilities to future career decisions.
Understand and demonstrate how academic content is applied in real-world and workplace settings
Provide students with the necessary educational experiences to enable them to make better career choices, preparing them for the world of business and college studies
Demonstrate mastery of the foundation skills and competencies essential for success in the workplace and advance college-based studies.
Provide students with the opportunity to earn a 5-credit sequence in (CTE) Career and Technology Education as an alternative to the 3 credit requirements in a World Language and the Checkpoint B assessment in a World Language for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation. New York no longer has specified course sequences that must be used in order to meet this requirement. Five units of any CTE course in any CTE area taught by a certified CTE teacher (business, FACS, and technology) may be used. intro copy
Business Courses
College Business Courses
The Business Education Department at Massapequa High School offers 11th and 12th grade students the opportunity to earn college level credits through the Long Island University High School Scholars Program and St. John’s University. Upon successful completion of a course in which all attendance and grade requirements have been met, students will receive college credit from Long Island University or St. John’s University and will also receive Massapequa High School credit.