Coordinator of Continuing Education
Massapequa High School
4925 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11758
10am - 2pm, Monday – Thursday
Massapequa residents can choose from approximately 50 courses through the Adult Continuing Education Program, offered in two semesters: Fall and Spring.
Fall Semester: Registration typically starts in August, with classes beginning in late September.
Spring Semester: Registration typically starts in January, with classes beginning in late February.
Additionally, the program organizes Bus Trips to exciting destinations on Long Island and Manhattan.
Registration for Courses and Bus Trips is done online. Massapequa residents enjoy early registration, followed by general registration for residents and non-residents. Senior citizen discounts are available for residents over 65 years of age, courses over $55, and are only given during the early registration period.
Brochures detailing courses and bus trip offerings are mailed to residents and available on our website. Below is a link to the brochure from the current semester. (Registration for the Spring 2025 semester closed on February 14, 2025.)
Coordinator of Continuing Education
Massapequa High School
4925 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11758
10am - 2pm, Monday – Thursday