Business and Facilities

The Departments of the Business and Facilities Office

  • Accounts Payable, Payroll, Benefits and Purchasing - Our employees in the Payroll, Accounts Payable and Purchasing Departments efficiently disperse funds in accordance with accepted accounting practices and New York State Education Law

  • Buildings and Grounds - Our Building and Grounds Department personnel attentively maintain our ten school buildings, district offices and transportation garage in addition to approximately 134 acres of school property.

  • School Lunch - Our School Lunch Department operates cafeterias in each of our schools and prepares and monitors the nutrition of our children’s lunch menu.

  • Transportation - Our Transportation Department prepares all bus routing and contract services to safely transport the students of our district to our schools as well as private schools.

Facilities Bond Information

2023 Bond Referendum

Following an extensive review of its facilities, recommendations from the district’s architect and feedback from the district’s Buildings and Grounds and Budget and Finance committees, the Massapequa School District Board of Education adopted a bond resolution to renew and restore the district’s building facilities and infrastructure. With a total cost not to exceed $82.2 million, the proposed bond will be presented to the community as three propositions, and includes upgrades to all nine school buildings, as well as renovations to the Hawthorn property.

“Throughout the years, the Massapequa community has consistently shown its support to our school system, allowing us to provide all Massapequa students a well-rounded and enriching educational experience,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. William Brennan said. “It is now time for us to invest in our school buildings. Through careful financial planning and feedback from district stakeholders, we believe this proposal allows us to address high-priority infrastructure needs at a minimal cost to residents.” 

School Budget Documents

If you would like access to these documents via a non-electronic format or in a different language, please call 516-308-5020.

Business & Facilities Public Documents

If you would like access to these documents via a non-electronic format or in a different language, please call 516-308-5020.

Ryan Ruf Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations

Ryan Ruf

Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations
District Offices
4925 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY  11758


Christine Petrullo

Christine Petrullo

Assistant Business Administrator and Purchasing Agent

Business Office
(516) 308-5020

Payroll and Benefits
(516) 308-5030

Mr. Timothy O'Donnell

Timothy O'Donnell

Director of Facilities and Operations III

(516) 308-5030

Mr. Paul Hecklman

Paul Heckelman

School Lunch Supervisor

(516) 308-5745

Kristina Orlando Transportation Dispatcher

Kristina Orlando

Transportation Supervisor

(516) 308-5065