Health Services

The Massapequa School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children's health, well-being and the ability to learn by supporting healthy eating habits and physical activity. Pursuant to §204 of the Child Nutrition and Women, Infants and Children Reauthorization Act of 2004, the District establishes the following Wellness Policy to enhance the learning and development of lifelong wellness practices.

Major Objectives of the School Health Program:

  • Recognizing the importance of physical and emotional well-being

  • Recognizing and making appropriate referral for health problems

  • Reducing the spread of communicable disease

  • Promoting and maintaining a safe and healthy school environment

  • Promoting a healthy life-style

Immunization Requirements

New York State Public Health Law mandates that schools shall not permit a child to be admitted unless the parent provides the school with a certificate of immunization or proof from a physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant that the child is in the process of receiving the required immunizations. Clinic records or baby shot books, signed by a physician, are also acceptable proof of immunization. Feel free to contact the school nurse with any questions you may have. No child may be registered without proof of immunizations.

Medications in Schools

Before any medication may be administered to or by any student during school hours, the Board requires a written request by the parent and a written order by the prescribing physician. Specific forms are required for school administered medications and another for self-administered medications. Please use the links below to download the specific form needed. Completed forms should be returned to your building's school nurse.


Physical exams are required by New York State Education Law for all newly enrolled students in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, & 11 and, when necessary, for special education evaluations. The examination may be conducted by either the family physician or the school physician.

In cases where a school health examination reveals a potential problem, parents are notified of the need for further study by the family physician or dentist and forms are sent to parents to be filled out by the doctor so that the necessary adjustments may be made in the school program.

Sports Physicals

Sports physicals are required before a student may participate in any interscholastic sport or sports practice - the required NYS School Health Examination Form must be used. In-school examinations are offered to athletes prior to each sports season. If being examined by the school medical officer, you must also complete the NYSED Health Appraisal Form, obtainable from the school nurse/health office. Fall sports examinations are offered in May of the previous year. The physical is performed by the school physician unless the parent requests a private examination. No student may participate without the approval of the school medical officer.

Scoliosis, Vision and Hearing Screenings

  • Vision screenings for distance and near acuity will be done for all newly entering students and students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.

  • Color perception screening for all newly entering students, including Kindergarten.

  • Hearing screenings will be done for all newly entering students and students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.

  • Scoliosis screening of the spine is done annually for all girls in grades 5 and 7 and boys in grade 9.

Note: All screenings must be performed at school by the school nurse if not already noted on a submitted NYS Required Health Examination Form.

BMI Survey

As part of a required school health examination, a student is weighed, and his/her height is measured. These numbers are used to figure out the student’s body mass index or ‘BMI’. The BMI helps the doctor or nurse know if the student’s weight is in a healthy range or is too high or too low. Recent changes to the New York State Education Law require that BMI and weight status group be included as part of the student’s school health examination. A sample of school districts will be selected to take part in a survey by the New York State Department of Health. If our school is selected to be part of the survey, we will be reporting to New York State Department of Health information about our students’ weight status groups. Only summary information is sent. No names and no information about individual students are sent. However, you may choose to have your child’s information excluded from this survey report.

The information sent to the New York State Department of Health will help health officials develop programs that make it easier for children to be healthier.

If you do not wish to have your child’s weight status group information included as part of the Health Department’s survey this year, please call your Nurse’s Office by the first week in January.

Wellness Committee

The Massapequa School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children's health, well-being and the ability to learn by supporting healthy eating habits and physical activity. It takes an entire school community to build a culture of wellness. 

Our goal is create a robust wellness policy that reflects our student population and strengths The committee helps update what is included in our policy and discuss new goals. We also share ideas on what schools are doing around the different topics included in our wellness policy such as fundraising and heath fairs. the committee is open to all, come join us and make a difference!

The district's wellness policy sets specific goals for nutritional education, physical activity and other school based activities - all designed to enhance the learning and development of lifelong wellness practices.

Martin Voigt

Interim District Director of Health, Physical Education, Athletics & Recreation
Massapequa High School
4925 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11758


Jacquelyn Bernardi

District's Lead Nurse
Massapequa High School
4925 Merrick Road
Massapequa, NY 11758


School Health Offices

Massapequa High School - Main Campus

Massapequa High School - Ames Campus

Berner Middle School

Birch Lane Elementary

East Lake Elementary

Fairfield Elementary

Lockhart Elementary

McKenna Elementary

Unqua Elementary