The Only Official Social Media Sites of the Massapequa School District
Massapequa School District Social Media Feed
District Name | Logo
The Massapequa Union Free School District recognizes that the district and school names and logos, when used following these guidelines, are an invaluable asset to the district and the greater Massapequa community. Along with the district mission statement, they are essential in establishing the Massapequa schools’ brand.
The district’s approved names and logos are available for use by district staff, students, and affiliated district organizations - for school sponsored activities/purposes only.
Affiliated organizations must clearly indicate that they are a separate entity from the Massapequa School District and must design any publications, social media accounts, etc. to avoid any such confusion.
The phrase “Official Massapequa School District [Insert]” may only be used by Massapequa staff/supervisors overseeing that specific program.
The Massapequa School District and/or its logos cannot be used in any way, directly or indirectly, to promote or sponsor a specific service/company/individual/etc.
All district staff, students, and affiliated district organizations must comply with the Massapequa School District Code of Conduct when referencing the district in anyway and/or utilizing a publication/social media account/etc. which purports to be an “Official Massapequa School District [Insert]” or otherwise uses any of the district’s logos or school names.
The district reserves the right to seek any and all appropriate actions in accordance with applicable law to ensure conformance with these guidelines.