Vocational Education
Students in grades 11 and 12 may choose from a wide variety of approved vocational programs offered only through the Nassau Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES) at the Joseph M. Barry Career and Technical Education Center (Barry Tech), Gerald R. Claps Career and Technical Center in Levittown (GC Tech), or Long Island High School for the Arts. Eligibility for admission into any of the approved vocational programs is restricted to students entering the 11th grade.
Students who successfully complete a two-year course of vocational study will meet the requirements for a 5-credit sequence in Occupational Education which may be used as an alternative to the 3-credit requirement in a World Language required for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.
In compliance with law, all occupational education courses offered at the BOCES Barry Tech, BOCES GC Tech, and Long Island High School for the Arts are open to eligible students regardless of sex, race or disability. Students are urged to follow their major interests in making a choice. In counseling students, vocational equity is a prime concern.
Admission decisions to all programs are made by BOCES.
Process in Placement in a Vocational Educational Program
Students must select an approved vocational education course when meeting with their counselor to choose their courses for next year.
Individual meetings may be needed to determine the appropriateness of placement in a vocational program. The student’s attendance record and grades will be reviewed and taken into consideration.
It is expected that the parent/guardian and student will visit the Career & Technical Center that the student will be attending.
Together, the student and parent will complete their part of the specific vocational program application and return the application form to the Guidance Office.
The deadline for returning the new student application is February 28, 2025.