Family and Consumer Science (FACS) Courses Grade 9-12

FACS Course Objectives:

  • Prepare students for family and work life

  • Allow students to explore careers in areas such as culinary arts and education

  • Provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors needed to make the transition to the world of work and college

  • Provide students with the opportunity to earn a 5-credit sequence in (CTE) Career and Technology Education as an alternative to the 3 credit requirements in a World Language and the Checkpoint B assessment in a World Language for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.  Students may combine courses in CTE disciplines (Business, FACS, and Technology) to create a cohesive CTE concentration.  Students would need 3 units in FACS and 2 units in another discipline.  The 5 units must include Career and Financial Management (CFM). 

FACS Courses

College FACS Courses

The Family and Consumer Science Department at Massapequa High School is offering 11th and 12th grade students the opportunity to earn college level credits through SUNY Oneonta and 10th, 11th and 12th grade students the opportunity to earn college level credits through SUNY Cobleskill.  

Students will receive MHS Regents credit and college credits from SUNY Oneonta or SUNY Cobleskill only if they successfully complete the full year courses. No partial credit will be given. Attendance and grade requirements must also be met in order to earn college credit.

SUNY Oneonta College in High School

SUNY Cobleskill College in High School