Technology Education Courses Grades 9-12

Technology Course Objectives

Technology Education courses are project-based learning environments where students learn new skills, systems thinking, the design process, and apply knowledge from core academic courses for success in both college and careers.

  • Apply the latest scientific discoveries to improve the quality of people’s daily lives

  • Operate and comprehend today’s technologies

  • Introduce students to the latest technologies currently utilized by business and industry, and help prepare students by means of hands-on experiences, working with these technologies

  • Learn many career-oriented applications of technology

  • Provide students with the opportunity to earn a 5-credit sequence in (CTE) Career and Technology Education as an alternative to the 3-credit requirement in a World Language and the Checkpoint B Assessment in a World Language for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation.  New York no longer has specified course sequences that must be used in order to meet this requirement. Five units of any CTE course in any CTE area taught by a certified CTE teacher (business, FACS, and technology) may be used. 

Technology Courses

College Technology Courses

The Technology Department at Massapequa High School offers students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade the opportunity to earn college level credits through the Farmingdale University in High School program and students in 11th and 12th grade to earn college level credits through Hofstra University. Upon successful completion of a course in which all attendance and grade requirements have been met, students will receive college credit from SUNY Farmingdale or Hofstra University and will also receive Massapequa High School credit.

Farmingdale University in the High School Program

SUNY Farmingdale Transcript Request

Hofstra University Transcript Request