English Language Arts Courses Grades 9-12
The English Language Arts Department is dedicated to fostering student success by providing a solid academic foundation and maximizing the intellectual potential of each individual within a nurturing and academically challenging environment. Our mission is to develop and foster a life-long appreciation of literature while equipping students with essential reading, writing, listening, and communication skills. Such skills empower students to thrive as productive and compassionate members of our global society. Four years of English are required for graduation, and all students must pass the NYS English Language Arts Regents administered in junior year.
English Language Arts Courses
College English 12 Credit Courses
The following senior courses must be taken consecutively as college level courses in conjunction with LIU/Post Center’s SCALE (Secondary Collegiate Articulated Learning Experience) program. Students who have a minimum of a B average and acceptable scores on the PSAT/NMSQT examination are eligible for these special twelfth grade English courses. Upon successful completion, students can receive optional college credit from LIU/Post which is transferable to many colleges. Students will also receive Massapequa High School credit.
Students who wish to receive college credit must apply to and be accepted by the LIU/Post Center. Both sections of the course MUST be taken and attendance requirements must be met in order to earn LIU/Post college credit and Massapequa High School credit. Students may choose one of the following full year sequences: