Senior Awards List | Links to Application Forms for Group 2
Deadline is Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:59PM
IMPORTANT: Please read the directions before starting a Senior Award Application
General Essay:
ALL awards will require you to upload a "General Essay" in PDF or Google doc format. This can be an essay you have already completed for college applications or other scholarships.
Additional Essay (specific to sponsor):
Awards that state there is an "additional essay" have a sponsor specific essay prompt. Before beginning those applications, see the specific essay prompts below each award.
DO NOT BEGIN an application until you have the required essays ready to upload. Once started, you cannot save the application, and you will be required to upload an essay in the last section before submitting.
Group 1: Monday, February 24, 2025 at 11:59PM.
Group 2: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 11:59PM. A reminder email will be sent regarding these applications.
Group 2 Awards
Ahrens Family Field Hockey Scholarship Award
Scholarship Criteria: The recipient for the scholarship must be a part of the field hockey program. Prioritizing in leadership, sportsmanship and academics. Involved in coaching the Massapequa field hockey team (LIFHA Jr) grades 3-6.
American Veterans (AMVETS) Scholarship in Memory of Rich Dejesu
Scholarship Criteria: Student's parent or grandparent must be a Veteran; participation in a minimum of 2 community service events not affiliated with MSD; participation in a minimum of 1 school service activity - ADDITIONAL ESSAY: "How has your Veteran family member positively impacted your life?"
Anthony Ventiera Memorial Scholarship Award for Students in Music
Scholarship Criteria: Graduating senior who is planning to major in music performance or music education.
Columbus Lodge #2143 (Sons of Italy) Scholarships (Print application)
Scholarship Criteria: Though not a requirement, students planning to pursue a career in Accounting, Engineering, and the medical field (Doctors, Nurses) are strongly encouraged to apply.
Students should click the link above, print the entire application, complete parts A through D, and give it to their counselor no later than Monday, March 11, 2025.
Note: You do NOT need to mail anything directly to Columbus Lodge as indicated on the form. Your Guidance Counselor will provide a copy of your transcript and letters of recommendation to the sponsor along with your printed Columbus Lodge application.
Scholarship Award Categories:
Scholastic Achievement award (GPA 90 or higher)
P. Vincent Landi Award (GPA 75 - 89)
Zabbia Memorial Award - Students planning a career in healthcare
Excellence in Italian Language
Community United Methodist Church Service Award
Scholarship Criteria: Students who participated in the annual “October Pumpkin Patch Fundraiser.” Specifically, all students who participated in the unloading of the trucks on both pumpkin delivery dates. Financial need considered.
Heather Palleschi Scholarship
Scholarship Criteria: Student who has overcome a hardship, either medically, academically or private matter - Has demonstrated generosity and thoughtfulness - 80+ average - Average not as important especially if someone has a learning disability - Participation in some community service not affiliated with the school district - College or vocational plans.
Marie Festa Scholarship
Scholarship Criteria: Candidates must be a Special Education student and/or pursuing a college degree in special education. Academic improvement and involvement in Best Buddies considered.
Massapequa High School Girls Golf Booster Club Award in Honor of Connor Kasin
Scholarship Criteria: Minimum two-year membership of the girls varsity golf team; 85+ average; active in the community and/or high school
Patricia E. Bailey Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship Criteria: Excellence in Art - 85+ overall average - Participation in a minimum of one community service activity not affiliated with the school district - Participation in a minimum of one school related clubs and/or service activities - Interest in Art and/or Advertising.
The Alexander Baldwin/Jonathan Kaloust Scholarship for Academics
Scholarship Criteria: College bound or vocational student who has demonstrated academic achievement with a 90+ GPA. - All academic accomplishments, sports, clubs, community service, and leadership roles should be listed in the application - Demonstration of financial need to be noted in the “Special Circumstances” question found in the application - ADDITIONAL ESSAY: Express how you have gained a sense of self-awareness, growth and pride that is noticeable to others while a student MHS. How have you demonstrated character and integrity and why you are the most deserving recipient of this award?