Welcome to East Lake Elementary
Soaring to New Heights in Excellence and Achievement
East Lake School, nestled in a residential area in Massapequa Park, serves approximately 500 students in kindergarten through fifth grade. In addition, it is home to an extended school day program, serving children with special needs in a nurturing and comfortable environment. Our mascot is the Eagle, reflecting our philosophy and goal that every student will “soar to new heights in excellence and achievement.
Our dedicated staff believes in promoting the academic, social, and emotional development of every child in this school, while cultivating their special talents. Current research based educational curriculum and diversified technology- based programs facilitate these goals.
The cornerstone of a sound educational program is based on the partnership between home and school. At East Lake School, collaboration between all staff members, administration and parents is something reflected in this building every day, with a common goal of educational excellence and a commitment to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.
Our website is designed to serve as a window into our school community. We welcome visitors to browse through some of the outstanding services and programs offered to our students. Information about the programs and activities, as well as events taking place in our school, is easily available with the click of a mouse. Additionally, updated podcasts portraying facets of our quality programs, assemblies, video-conferencing sessions, and seasonal activities may be viewed anytime. What this website cannot accurately convey is the pride and sense of family that exists in our educational community.
"Responsibility for learning must be shared by all – children, parents, teachers and community."
- George Santayana

School Hours: 8:30 AM - 2:45 PM
East Lake Elementary School
154 East Lake Avenue
Massapequa Park, NY 11762

Mr. Thomas A. McKillop III

Ms. Mary Velte
Assistant Principal

Ms. Caitlin Krauszer
Supervisor of Special Education