Berner Learners
Berner Learners is an educational initiative at Berner where students are recognized for exemplifying strong character attributes and academic effort. Each month, Berner staff members select fifteen students per grade level that demonstrate one of the five core attributes of Achievement, Character, Attitude, Effort and Improvement.
Throughout the month, staff observes and evaluates students and collectively choose the students who best model one of the above attributes. The students selected each month are identified as Berner Learners of the Month and their pictures will be displayed on the Berner Learner bulletin board near the Deans’ Office.
The five monthly Berner Learner attributes are:
Achievement-The student with the highest average for the month or the student who is performing well in all of the core subjects. It could also be a student who received a score of 100 on more than one core subject test
Character-A student who commits acts of random kindness, someone who is friendly, responsible, helpful, and /or honest.
Attitude-A student who is pleasant and respectful to teachers and/or students, a student who accepts suggestions and is motivational to other students.
Effort-A student, who attends extra help frequently, asks good questions, strives for excellence but may not always achieve it.
Improvement-A student who has an academic/character and/or attitude reformation. This reversal should be a visible improvement in a certain area or class.