Lockhart’s Above and Beyond Program 

Developing and Promoting Positive Character Traits

Throughout the school year, Lockhart teachers and staff nominate students who have gone above and beyond demonstrating positive character traits, such as exceptional acts of kindness, responsibility, and respect.

Each student recognized in the Above and Beyond character education program receives a certificate noting their specific act that contributed to Lockhart’s positive school culture initiative. Students have their picture taken, which is posted on a bulletin board in Lockhart’s main lobby, and here on the website where students get a well deserved public recognition. 

Click the monthly links below to meet our students who have demonstrated good citizenship, model behavior and respect for others. We cannot be more proud of all they accomplish academically and socially.

Monthly Above and Beyond Recipients

Above and Beyond | January

Above and Beyond | February

Above and Beyond | March

Above and Beyond | April

Above and Beyond | May

Above and Beyond | June

Above and Beyond | September

Above and Beyond | October

Above and Beyond | November

Above and Beyond | December